This month’s Zoom presenter, Russ Jackson (ERA #1859), returns with another in his series of great historic videos. Russ’s storied career includes being a major contributor to getting the PATCO line into operation in 1969 as a consultant employee, 20 years working for major transit consultants, and 17 years working for SEPTA as manager of new car engineering, retiring in 2010. When Kodak came out with Super 8 sound cameras and film in 1973, Russ immediately started making use of them. He is also a PCC devotee and runs the website
Russ will open his show with an earlier silent film of the Princeton Junction area in 1968 and 1969, when things were quite different from today. This will be followed by silent films he took of the Northeast Corridor anywhere grade crossings were involved. He will conclude his show with a silent film history of the Skokie Swift operation in Chicago as assembled by Walter Keevil of the CTA. Many changes have occurred during the 57 years since it began service.
These historic videos of a bygone era not to be missed!